
We don’t ask for donations. We simply ask for you to act. The more voices the better. Campaigns work. Here are some ideas.


Contact owners and land managers direct. For the reservoir, shoreline and river channels downstream of the trash screens, write to Canal and River Trust. For issues regarding the Welsh Harp’s green space seek out your local councillor in Barnet or Brent. For the state of the trash screens and river channels upstream of the screens, write to the local Environment Agency office. You can also write to your local MP about any of these issues.

Let your voice be heard.



Support our campaigns on Twitter and Instagram. Share our content. Every show of support matters. Tag owners in your own comments on social media. Build pressure. Control the agenda. See action taken.


Team up with our allies, Friends of The Welsh Harp. They run monthly communal Conservation Days around the reservoir, where you can get involved with practical jobs such as clearing pathways, cleaning out ponds and woodland litter-picking.

They also run free community events including birdwatching and tree walks.

Other volunteering in the local catchment is organised by Thames21, Friends of the Silk Stream and the Dollis Brookers.


“The team behind Cool Oak have been vital in reviving the fortunes of this long-neglected London SSSI, bringing hope for its breeding and wintering waterbirds.”

— Beccy Speight, CEO, RSPB